A lighter, more frequently updated version of this mess.
Monday, August 27, 2007
My Tumble Blog.
A lighter, more frequently updated version of this mess.
A lighter, more frequently updated version of this mess.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Reagan brings the smackdown!
YouTube summary:
"A quick scene from the 1964 movie "the Killers" in which Ronald Reagan (playing the sole bad guy role of his career) gets punched out by John Cassavetes."
Monday, February 05, 2007
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Nietzsche Family Circus
"The Nietzsche Family Circus pairs a randomized Family Circus cartoon with a randomized Friedrich Nietzsche quote."

Nietzsche Family Circus

Nietzsche Family Circus
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Degeneration of America - links of the day
Republican surrounds himself with children so he can't be asked about the Foley sex scandal:
Reporter: Congressman, do you mind asking the children to leave the room so we can have a frank discussion of this, because it's an adult topic. It just doesn't seem appropriate to me.
Reynolds: I'll take your questions, but I'm not going to ask any of my supporters to leave. [...]
Reporter: Who are the children, Congressman? Who are these children?
Reynolds: Pardon me?
Reporter: Who are these children?
Reynolds: Well, a number of them are from the community. There are several of the "thirtysomething" set that are here and uh I've known them and I've known their children as they were born.
Reporter: Do you think it's appropriate for them to be listening to the subject matter though?
Reynolds: Sir, I'll be happy to answer your questions, I'm still, uh...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Monday, May 02, 2005
Subway Confessions
The other night while riding the 4 Train back home from work, I overheard a conversation between two homeless men. It was a interesting and unusually candid view into their lives.
This was one of the highlights:
"You know what I do? I smoke my mother fuckin' crack.
And if I wanna smoke my crack I don't pay for shit. I aint gotta pay for a damn thing! You know why?... GOD pays for it."
Make of this what you will.
This was one of the highlights:
"You know what I do? I smoke my mother fuckin' crack.
And if I wanna smoke my crack I don't pay for shit. I aint gotta pay for a damn thing! You know why?... GOD pays for it."
Make of this what you will.
Monday, April 11, 2005
Pearl Gross: Comedy on a Higher Octave

Watch the video
Is she a product of the sterile, insular monoculture of the American south?
Is she such a hard-core follower of her religion, that any attempts to produce funny, original material is stifled and deemed inappropriate by traditional Christian morals and values?
Is she just naturally unfunny?
Is she one of Jay Leno's writers?
Whatever she is, I find myself fascinated with her.
New Yorker Cartoon Editor on humor: (Found via Boing Boing)
The experience of humor is similar to the “ah-ha” moment of two things coming together. For humor, two things have to come together to produce the experience of laughter. Normal and abnormal; these things reconciled in a moment, and usually it’s a normal situation violated in some way that we can tolerate. You have to have something normal that becomes abnormal, or something that looks abnormal and then become normal.
So, normal: there’s a guy on the phone, saying “No, Thursday’s out. How about never - is never good for you?” Everything is normal - the office, the syntax of politeness - and yet the message is rude. We have a violation where we have a
normal situation.
Clearly a subject Ms. Gross has studied extensively.
Watch the video
Link to New Yorker article
Monday, April 04, 2005
Pin dropping can be hazardous
I'd like to apologize for my long absence, I know it sucks when bloggers go for long periods without providing any new content, so from now on I'll do my best to update this site more regularly - I've said this to myself before, but putting it in writing and posting it here gives it more weight.
Lots of thanks to Gill at Sometimes its Peaceful for making this blog "The Blog of the Day". And thanks to TheWeblogProject for linking to me in a post about people talking about the project.
I've been reading blogs for a long time, but I'm still relatively new at the content producing side of things, and I realize that this blog still has a ways to go. So feel free to leave any comments about things you like or don't like. It's very helpful.
Lots of thanks to Gill at Sometimes its Peaceful for making this blog "The Blog of the Day". And thanks to TheWeblogProject for linking to me in a post about people talking about the project.
I've been reading blogs for a long time, but I'm still relatively new at the content producing side of things, and I realize that this blog still has a ways to go. So feel free to leave any comments about things you like or don't like. It's very helpful.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Massive footprints of the microscopic

I have to admit, it seems a bit far fetched. Particularly when you consider that the pre-big bang universe was just one homogenized molten ball of matter with nothing even suggesting the galaxies and stars that would later develop, its hard to imagine that the footprints the strings left behind could survive in a recognizable and detectable form. And if these imprints do exist it might be extremely difficult to detect the temperature patterns across vast regions of space.
But one really cant deny the beauty of this theory. I hope my skepticism turns out to be short-sighted.
Listen to Moira Gunn interview Brian Greene on Tech Nation
Saturday, March 12, 2005
TheWeblogProject. An open source movie about blogging
"TheWeblogProject is designed to be a completely different movie, because featured stars, producers, fundraisers and actors of TheWeblogProject movie are the bloggers themselves. TheWeblogProject is different from a traditional movie in several other respects:Brilliant. I love seeing these creative uses of open source licensing.
It will be distributed, FREE, via P2P and via the Internet Archive, under a Creative Commons Attribution license.
It will be Folksonomy-enabled.
Open source: complete source footage will be distributed to all supporting bloggers for unlimited remixing."
Lets hope the prank porn submissions are kept to a minimum.
More info on The Weblog Project
Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple
These three Lectures given by theoretical physicist Hans Beth in 1999 basically sum up all of the developments of quantum mechanics in the 20th century.
"Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple"
"Intended for an audience of Professor Bethe's neighbors at Kendal, the lectures hold appeal for experts and non-experts alike. The presentation makes use of limited mathematics while focusing on the personal and historical perspectives of one of the principal architects of quantum theory whose career in physics spans 75 years."
"Quantum Physics Made Relatively Simple"
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Fly the Repressive Skys

Thinking of taking a trip to North Korea? Look no further. The "Korean Friendship Association" (sort of the official fansite of the DPRK) is organizing a very specal delegation to the DPRK this summer and they've put together this super-slick flash movie that highlights all of the countries' limited attractions. It includes plenty of government approved, generic (stock photography?) photos of the lush countryside and Pyongyang's drab, boxy architecture. Plus fun multicultural relay races! I guess their not so bad after all.
The site claims:
"This trip is unique in its kind because for the first time in history the vistor will have the opportunity of not only visit main monuments and spots of the DPRK, but to share a part of life in North Korea by helping the citizens in their daily affairs and share with them work, dances and meals."Sign me up.
Link to flash movie
North Korean propaganda posters
Korean Friendship Association website
Thursday, March 03, 2005

Those crazy 1980's Estonians! Its amazing what a little soviet occupation can do to a country's attitude regarding avian cruelty.
Watch this bizarre and freakish Estonian TV commercial for minced chicken meat.
(Keep in mind this is not a re-edited version of some old commercial, this is the way it originally aired)
I still think its ten times better than the average McDonalds ad.
See more of these fascinating Estonian commercials here
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Oh sure, we know 'The MTVs'. We're totally down with it. No diggty.
One of the goals that many advertising campaigns strive for is the ability to connect with their target audience. Problem is, a lot of advertising execs lack the creativity and most importantly, the knowledge of the culture they are trying to reach, and thus we end up with misplaced urban slang circa 1986, or completely silly failures like this one.
"Hey, I know you like that McDonalds cheeseburger, but I gotta ask.... would you hit it?"
"Hey, I know you like that McDonalds cheeseburger, but I gotta ask.... would you hit it?"
Monday, January 31, 2005
Weird and Unusual Wikipedia Articles
This is why I love Wikipedia. You'd never find this kind of stuff in any so called "real" encyclopedias.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
A charmingly antiquated video of Steve Jobs introducing the original Macintosh in 1984
"Never trust a computer you can't lift!" Link
Saturday, January 29, 2005
It's Funny Because it's True

You know, it's interesting that despite all the differences in London's municipal system compared to New York's, it appears that London's public transportation system has a suckage level thats right on-par with New York City's MTA.
Listen to the song "London Underground" by Adaption (Not Safe For Work)
If you're in NY, simply replace every mention of London Underground with Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and you have a spot-on musical commentary that accurately reflects the feelings many of us are having towards the MTA these days.
Friday, January 28, 2005
...And he Really Means it This Time

"As Slow As Possible", one of the many compositions by the late experimental composer John Cage, originally written in 1985 as a 20 minute piece for piano, is currently in the very first stage of it's longest performance ever. The concert began in 2001, the first sound was produced in February 2003. The final note won't be heard until 2639.
From the ASLSP site, translated from German:
"In 1985 ASLSP was created as a version for the piano but in 1987 John Cage changed it for the organ at the suggestion of the organist Gerd Zacher. 10 years after that, in 1997, on a symposium for organs in Trossingen, the question how one can understand „as slow as possible” and how one should perform the piece came up. Organists, musicologists, organbuilding workers, theologians and philosophers talk about the technical, the aesthetic and the philosophical aspects that can meet the title and the piece. The question of how to realise the opus leads to the conclusion that „as slow as possible” can be thought and played indefinetly – at least as long as the life of an organ is and also as long as peace and creativity in the following generations exists."
Link to official website
The thought of this at first makes me feel more than a bit pessimistic. But it also gives me an equal sense of optimism just knowing that there are people in this world that are forward thinking enough to even consider putting on such an IMMENSE thing like this with the intention of it being completed.
Whether its successful or not, I think this is a brilliant project that I'm sure John Cage would approve of.